31 Oct 2017
Georgia Ranked No. 1 State for Business

Georgia is named the No. 1 state for business for the fifth consecutive year by Site Selection Magazine. Governor Nathan Deal is the only governor to have headed a state’s executive branch for five consecutive wins. The ranking is a blend of subjective and objective measures – 50 percent is based on a survey of corporate site selectors who indicate their top states, and 50 percent is based on an index of largely Conway Projects Database measures of where facilities are actually being sited (see the methodology).
To underscore Georgia’s case for being a predictable and business-friendly capital investment destination, Georgia ranked the same or better than it did in all of Site Selection’s 2016 measures of state business climates. In other words, even at number one last year for the fourth consecutive time, there was still room for improvement – and the Peach State did just that, sealing a fifth straight win. Read more.