Georgia Natural Gas
Natural gas utilities blanket most of the state, providing much of the energy used in industrial thermal applications in Georgia. Supplied by three interstate pipelines, natural gas is available in both firm and interruptible quantities to more than 80 natural gas distribution systems in the state, including two investor owned utilities (IOUs).
Throughout the state, about 80 municipal gas systems provide competitively priced natural gas to their residents, as well as numerous commercial, agricultural and industrial customers. Nearly 70 of the municipal gas systems are members of the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia (The Gas Authority), which is the largest joint-action agency in the nation.
There are two investor owned natural gas distribution systems serving customers in the state. The largest is Atlanta Gas Light (AGL), which covers much of the state. Liberty Utilities serves the greater metropolitan areas of Columbus and Gainesville. AGL is fully deregulated, with certified marketers providing retail service to residential and commercial customers. Most industrial customers transport gas purchased from niche marketing companies on both of the IOU systems.