30 Apr 2024

Spring Retail Roundtable Discussion Recap

Earlier last month, gathered in the vibrant City of Thomaston; downtown buzzed with excitement as industry experts, retailers, and economic developers converged for our Spring Retail Roundtable Discussion; thanks to Jared Huckaby and Taylor Smith for hosting our great event in Thomaston!



19 Mar 2024

Spring Retail Roundtable Discussion

At our Office of Economic & Community Development, we have a deep understanding of the market dynamics and trends shaping the commercial development landscape. Our expertise lies in our ability to bring together key stakeholders and foster connections for success. This spring, we are excited to host a retail roundtable, as we believe in the power of discussions to foster community growth and development.



11 Oct 2023

Highlights of the 2023 ECG Economic Development Summit

“In the 21st-century model of economic development, it’s no longer the economic development professionals’ job to do economic development. It’s all our jobs. It’s city managers, elected officials, department heads, cities, and counties all have to focus on developing our communities.”

Remarks by Daryl Ingram, Sr. VP & CXO, at the ECG Economic Development Summit.
