06 Jul 2022
ECG’s Economic Development Technical Solutions Team Receives Award

ECG’s ED Technical Solutions team received the C2ER/LMI Institute Community, Economic, and Workforce Development Applied Research Award in the category of “Best Project Supporting Business, Economic, and Workforce Development Activities.

According to C2ER’s website, the award presented, recognizes the contribution of research activities to the success of local, regional, or state/provincial economic development initiatives. The purpose of the award is to increase the quality of economic development research by identifying meritorious projects and promoting the diffusion of creative ideas for research activities.

The team utilized ArcGIS, the next-generation storytelling platform, this web-based application allows users to share maps in the context of narrative text and other multimedia content.
High-tech projects are highly desirable by companies looking to consider or virtually view potential sites in Georgia for development as well as regional stakeholders eager to submit sites to potential investors looking to relocate to Georgia.
Members of our Technical Solutions team collaborated to produce a story map about Advanced Manufacturing in Georgia. The Advanced Manufacturing story map works to answer the question for potential investors, “Why choose Georgia for Advanced Manufacturing?”
- Business-friendly climate
- Robust and highly skilled workforce
- Excellent resources
The Technical Solutions team provides customized research, GIS mapping and marketing materials to businesses interested in expansion, relocation, or creation. We also assist our member communities in identifying, analyzing, and marketing their assets to developers, consultants, and business owners, utilizing the latest technology to offer insightful and strategic assistance.
Economic and workforce development professionals from across the U.S. gathered for the 62nd Annual Council for Community and Economic Research Conference in Columbus, OH, June 13 -16, 2022. This year’s theme was “The Road Ahead: Using Data to Pave the Way.”
Learn more about C2ER Awards selection here.
About C2ER
The Council for Community and Economic Research is the nationally recognized, trusted leader in the community, economic, and workforce research field. C2ER is committed to developing and engaging a diverse membership to elevate data-driven decision-making and ensure prosperous communities.